If you have a question, which we have not answered for you here, please contact our team at askus@danamark.com
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Pentair has set the standard for commercial and foodservice water quality for over 85 years. Today, that standard is the Pentair Everpure line of water filtration and RO systems. Customers across the globe trust Pentair Everpure for:
• Easy, sanitary quick-change filter replacement
• A single-source supplier of foodservice water treatment systems, with the breadth of product to provide right-sized solutions for any size operation
• High-efficiency RO systems that provide significant water savings over conventional RO systems
• Compact, configurable RO systems with capacities from 50 to 880 gallons per day, featuring controlled remineralization or blending valves to achieve the right mineral balance
• Comprehensive water testing services to ensure recommendation of the right system
• Total Water Management to help restaurants and other foodservice operations take their water from ordinary to extraordinary and keep it that way
Since 1933. They developed their precoat technology and quick-change ‘QC’ head design back in the 70’s. This same QC head design is still in use today. We refer to it as a universal design accommodating a broad range of cartridges.
Precoat is unique to Everpure. No other filter manufacturer has been able to replicate this design and technology.
This exclusive precoat technology employs Micro-Pure media and a unique membrane technology to provide:
• Particle reduction as small as 0.5 micron in size by mechanical means
• Reduction of dirt, rust, oxidized iron, manganese, and sulfur
• Highest level taste and odor reduction
• Chlorine taste reduction
Scale Reduction.
The MC filter is meant for cold drink applications, like fountain pop. The MH is meant for hot drink (not hot water) applications like coffee. When water is heated, dissolved minerals fall out of solution and form limescale. This rock like formation causes equipment failure and reduced beverage quality. The MH filter contains a food-grade scale inhibitor that reduces that scale build-up.
Polyphosphates have long been used as an alternative form of hard water treatment. Polyphosphate is a soluble mineral compound which acts as a sequestering agent when added to water. Sequestering is simply the ability or tendency to tie up and hold in solution other minerals such as scale causing calcium and magnesium. The polyphosphates form bonds with scale causing minerals which make them more water soluble. Therefore, the hard minerals act soft and remain in solution, as opposed to depositing scale. Polyphosphates also change the morphology (shape) of the scale causing molecules from a cube-like form to a round-like form which does not allow it to cling and prevents it building up on itself.
While a fine product there are some drawbacks to using Siliphos in certain applications. In hot water applications there is a problem when water is heated over 90°F as the reversion is almost total and instantaneous except for the gray silica residue that does not dissolve. This silica, which is used as a caking agent for the phosphate, forms a residue depositing itself in coffee equipment, boilers, steam generators and other hot water reservoirs. Since this silica is inactive and does not dissolve completely into solution, it forms a gray sludge that must be dealt with.
HydroBlend is available in different formulas for different water conditions, the one utilized most is the Phos-HW. All of our products are 100% active with no fillers or caking agents. Unlike Siliphos there is no residue with any HydroBlend products, in fact, the Phos-CW blend is used to treat silica and low pH corrosion..
HydroBlend is not temperature sensitive. It is used in applications that go directly to steam production such as boilers or Combi-ovens. Remember, HydroBlend is not just polyphosphate, it is a proprietary blend of different raw ingredients each of which was chosen because of their unique ability to compliment the other in the treatment of a wide range of water conditions– especially high water temperature applications.
HydroBlend’s ability not only to control scale but also control the corrosion that accompanies high temperature applications has made it the choice with many food service professionals.
Because they are full of air!
All carbon-based water filters, regardless of the brand, need to be flushed for a few minutes, before being put into service.
New cartridges are filled with air; therefore flushing removes the air from inside the cartridge and replaces it with water. The flush time is written on each cartridge’s label. This process will allow any carbon-based cartridge to function at optimum levels without affecting any equipment that may be attached.
In some cases, carbon fines, from production, also need to be flushed out. Better down the drain than in your ice machine!
Regardless, flushing is normal and by no means an indication of quality, or lack there of.
This means that these cartridges are made with Pentair Everpure’s proprietary Fibredyne™-II media. This family of cartridges are now NSF certified NSF-42/ANSI BE, which is a Bacteriostatic Effect claim.
This NSF-42/ANSI BE certification means that – unlike many water filters on the market – the Pentair systems with this certification limit the passage or growth of bacteria that may already exist in the incoming water.
Pentair Everpure is able to claim a log-5 bacteria reduction on a range of filtration cartridges, including the 2FC, 4FC, 7FC and SEN (best fit for Cold drink applications) as well as 2FC-S, 4FC-S and 7FC-S (best fit for Ice, Steam and Hot applications).
Please note that the limit that NSF tested to when awarding certification for Standard-42 (Class-I particulate reduction) is 0.5 micron as this is the minimum this protocol provides. However, in order to provide additional confirmation and information about our product’s capabilities, Pentair enlisted an accredited third-party laboratory to confirm that these same filters
may actually achieve even better reduction in sub-micron particles including bacteria. This testing has been successfully completed back in 2015 and we keep updating this to ensure consistency. Today, Pentair is pleased to inform you that the water filters listed above have been confirmed to a log-5 reduction* (99.999% reduction) in 0.2µm bacteria again on July 30th 2019.
Parallel means that an even amount of water is passing thru each filter at the same time, whereas series means the water passes thru one filter to the next and then to the next.
Parallel example:
Let’s take one gallon of water and feed it thru a parallel triple head. Let’s choose a cartridge that has a peak flow rate of 1.5 gallons per minute. Now we put that same cartridge in all three heads. We now divide that one gallon of water evenly thru them at the same time, so 1/3 of a gallon per cartridge. By evenly spreading the water out across three filters, we can now increase our flow rate from 1.5 to 4.5 gpm.
Series example:
Even though we may have three filters, same as above, our flow rate cannot be more than 1.5 gpm because we are not even distributing the water over three filters. We are passing the water thru the first one, followed by the second one and then on to the third one. In this set up, each filter is doing something unique. An example would be the first filter is a prefilter, the second one is a fine filter and the third one is a scale inhibitor feeder.
It depends on the model of the head.
The following heads are series:
No. Cold water only.
Everpure filters are either feeding water that eventually is chilled, frozen, heated or made into steam but the incoming feed water is always Cold.
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In a nutshell, NSF is important because it ‘certifies’ that the claims being made by the manufacturer, regarding performance and contaminant reductions, are true.
NSF is a not-for-profit corporation founded in 1944 to promote good sanitation. Its main business is to bring together experts in public health, manufacturing, and sanitation from government, industry, academia and the public to develop and administer performance standards for products which have some impact on sanitation and public health. NSF maintains state-of-the-art laboratories where products can be tested according to the set standards.
Manufacturers voluntarily submit products for evaluation; if they pass the tests, they are “Listed” and certain tested claims are “Certified” and the products are authorized to display the NSF seal on labels and literature. Although non-governmental, NSF does have some official status as the lead agency for the testing and approval of both the chemicals used in water treatment and the materials of construction used in drinking water systems, under contract to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
A water filter which is “NSF-Listed”, or which has claims which are “NSF Certified” is one which:
Read the fine print
Please note that it is important to read the small print when evaluating a products certification. There are various classes to consider, and various contaminant removals to consider.
Just because a filter is certified to Std. 53 doesn’t mean it is for every one of the reductions listed below; it may only be for one or two. Make sure the reduction you require is specifically listed, i.e. Std. 53 for Cyst, turbidity, lead and asbestos reduction.
We have a saying ; Protect your good name with ours!
Adding filtration to your business provides your clients with solutions that help their equipment and operations run better.
Water is the single largest ingredient in ice, fountain pop, coffee, espresso, steam and many recipes such as soups and sauces. Filtering this ingredient can only improve the quality of the finished product and ensure consistency from one day to the next, and for only pennies per gallon.
In addition, water-using equipment such as ice machines, combi-ovens and coffee brewers, are prone to water-related maintenance issues like mineral scale build-up and corrosion. Water filtration reduces both of these problems.
Think of filtration as a win-win for you to make money while solving your customers problems and an insurance policy on your clients business providing consistent quality and food safety.
In no particular order:
We believe that it shouldn’t be technical at all. While Pentair pushes the need for a water test, we think that is not always necessary, particularly if the source water is city water, municipally chlorinated.
Everpure has designed the products such that the majority of water quality issues will be addressed with the right sized system.
Getting technical only intimidates the client and complicates things. Simple, to the point, sales points paint a picture in the clients mind.
Here’s an example:
Q. Would you ever operate your car without an oil filter?
A. Absolutely not.
Q. Exactly, so why are you running your ice machine without a water filter?
Another example:
Q. Why filter for fountain pop?
A. Taste (so it tastes like Coke, not Bob’s cola). Consistency (so it tastes the same everyday) and Carbonation (flat drinks are not appealing!). Taste, Consistency, Carbonation – that’s all you need to remember!
Give your customers the right answers by asking them the right questions:
Restaurants have discovered a great revenue stream from selling premium bottled waters. However, there are many drawbacks to prepackaged bottled water:
We offer products that allow a foodservice operation to move away from bottled water and all the drawbacks it brings, while still generating revenue.
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In no particular order:
It depends on which cartridge you are using and the length of that cartridge. Everpure cartridges come in 5 x sizes; 2-size, 4-size, 6-size, 7-size and X-size.
The 2, 4 and 6-size can be used with a QL1, QL2 or QL3 head. The 7 and X-size should be used with the QC7i head. The QC7i head comes in a single, twin, triple and quad configuration.
Examples of cartridge sizes as follows:
A) 2-size: AC, OCS, 2Kplus, 2CB5, 2FC, OW2, H54, Microguard Pro2
B) 4-size: 4C, BH, 4CB5, 4Kplus, 4FC, H104, OW4, PBS400, 4SI
C) 6-size: H300, OW200L, ProSeries 3500, ESO6
D) 7-size: MC, i2000, 7CB5, 7Kplus, 7FC, 7SI, 7CLM, ESO7
E) X-size: XC, XCLM, i4000
Testing is easier than ever before so it is worthwhile to consider.
Water testing is necessary if your client is on well water, or is having significant issues with limescale and in order to prescribe the right solution, we need to know how hard the water is (plus a few other variables). Depending on the hardness, softening and reverse osmosis may be required over fine filtration.
The H2O Express Test Kit is designed to help you choose the best Pentair® Everpure® solution for your customers equipment based on the condition of their water, which is site specific to their location.
Everpure quick-change filters remove contaminants as small as 0.5-micron by mechanical means (that is 1/50,000th of an inch). Microns are extremely tiny, in fact a human hair has the width of 40 microns. This means the filters are very effective at removing many contaminants.
However, if your water is particularly dirty, we recommend placing a prefilter in front of your system. Prefilters are typically 10 to 25 microns, allowing them to remove the larger particles that might prematurely plug your system. Many Everpure systems offer a prefilter option but it is also very easy to retrofit a prefilter to any existing system. Once the prefilter is installed, you have a wide range of replacement cartridges to choose from, depending on how ‘fine’ you would like to prefilter too.
Longer filter life and higher flow rates. We have this saying in our business (you’ve heard it before): ‘pay me now or pay me later’
If you quote a smaller system just to keep the cost down, you might end up spending a lot on cartridges down the road. Alternatively, spend more upfront with a larger system and have a happy client because they are getting long life on their system.
A QC7i-twin system will provide twice the flow rate and twice the capacity over a QC7i-single system, but is not twice the price.
Oversizing also provides your client with the flexibility to plumb another piece of equipment into the existing filter system, down the road, because you have so much capacity.
When you require longer filter life or need to increase your flow rate. Perhaps you want to tee-off the filtered water line and add another piece of equipment. No problem, Everpure FC Carbon Block cartridges provide higher flow rates and higher capacity within the same footprint so upgrading is fast and easy.
Central systems, (i.e. CSR systems) are ideally suited to new store construction because you can properly design where all the water lines will be plumbed to various pieces of equipment. You are dealing with a clean slate.
Installing a CSR system, once the restaurant is built, can be tricky but is not impossible. You just have to be painstakingly careful not to filter the water running to a sink or a water-cooled ice maker. It can be difficult identifying what all the existing water lines are feeding as they typically disappear into the walls.
The only caveat to this is if you are retrofitting an existing central system with a new central system.
Some municipalities have migrated from using chlorine to chloramines. Chloramines is chlorine combined with a small amount of ammonia. The addition of the ammonia allows the disinfectant to stay in the water longer, for greater distances. Chloramines is more difficult to remove from water that chlorine, and requires filters with much more carbon.
There are two ways to determine if your water has chloramines: 1) contact your local water utility company, or 2) have your water tested. By testing your water for Total Chlorine and Free Chlorine, we can determine if your water is being treated with chloramines. Our Everpure CLM and CB20 product lines are effective at removing chloramines.
As a rule of thumb, if your water hardness is over 15 gpg, we recommend you consider RO.
Other possible scenarios:
Reverse Osmosis can require a wee bit of floor and wall space so make sure you have the room. We also recommend installing a water softener prior to an RO system, when the incoming water hardness is 15 gpg and higher.
Note: RO systems require a storage tank (or tanks) depending on volumes & flow rates required.
Choose Claris for boiler-free ovens, proofers and spritzers, where flow rates are 1.0 gpm or less.
Choose Kleensteam for boiler-based ovens and steamers.
Note that in both cases, regular maintenance/descaling will still be required BUT at a lower frequency. And also descaling will take less time. We recommend descaling using Everpure ScaleKleen powder.
We recommend site surveys whenever central systems are being installed in an existing foodservice establishment. And by central, that can mean a CSR system, a water softener and RO system or a combination of these. We also recommend them if you are including the cost of installation in your proposal.
We have a Site survey questionnaire for you to use as a guideline.
Here are our recommendations, courtesy of Everpure.
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Yes, a by-pass line is always recommended for filter systems. It comes in handy when the filter system needs to be serviced or is not working properly. Putting the filter system on by-pass in an emergency ensures that the equipment is still getting water while the filter system is being serviced/repaired.
This is by far the most frequent question and our answer may seem cheeky, but here goes…
Answer: How long is a piece of string?
Yup that’s cheeky but it’s actually the best answer for a question there is no specific or set answer too. Filter life is predicated on a number of variables that are site specific to the location and application that it is installed at.
The variables are:
And here’s the kicker – water quality can and will change in certain parts of the country depending on the time of year. Water pressure can change if you start adding a lot of water-using equipment, and finally flow rate – The slower the flow rate, the longer the filter life and vice-versa; this is why it is always best to look at options when choosing a filter system. A twin system may provide twice the flow and capacity but is not twice the price to buy or maintain.
You will run out of water – plain and simple.
Everpure filters are designed to provide you consistently high quality water throughout the life of the cartridge. The speed at which they deliver that water will start to slow down overtime and eventually stop – but, and this is a big but – the quality will not deteriorate.
We like to use the analogy that you wouldn’t wait until you run out of gas before you start looking for a gas station; you would prefer to fill up when you are down to a 1/4 tank or so. Same thing with water filters; when the dynamic pressure (on the pressure gauge) starts to drop below 20 psi, giddy up!
Commercial Water Treatment Equipment Warranty:
Everpure products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship to the original end user when installed in accordance with Everpure specifications. The warranty period commences from the date of purchase and is administered as follows:
*This is for material & workmanship, not filter or water treatment cartridge life.
Residential Water Treatment Equipment Warranty: read more
For the most part – Yes.
But there are a few select cartridges that are designed to fit into the “BW” style head.
Examples of these are – Quantum 1000 and 4000 cartridges, all three models of ProSeries cartridges and Hoshizaki private label filters.
Please download this bulletin
Changing filters is like changing a light bulb, in the simplest of terms.
As long as you can identify where the service bypass valve is (optional but important), where the water shut off valve is and where the flushing activation valve is, you are on your way. But in reality, most people find the filtration system a little intimidating and would prefer to have someone service it for them, especially if it is a larger CSR central system.
We have a dedicated page here on our website along with a video that explains how to change filters. Here is the link.
In our books, it’s absolutely everything! We have a famous saying at Danamark – ‘you only sell the first widget; service sells the rest!’
To sell a system and then leave the client to source or maintain the equipment on their own, completely misses the point for selling it to them in the first place.
Look at car dealerships. Sure they want to sell you a car but what they really want is for you to come back to them for service. That’s where they make their money; that’s where they build a relationship with you.
Most clients will ask you about your warranty and service. That’s what really matters – who is going to take care of this equipment and how well are you standing behind it.
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Check the inlet water valve
• Make sure there are no restrictions and valves are fully open.
• Make sure the flushing valve is closed.
Check the system for proper tubing size
• All Everpure High Flow systems require 1/2” O.D. minimum tubing.
• All Everpure point-of-use (single application systems)
require 3/8” O.D. minimum tubing.
Check the orientation of the prefilter and IMF/SRX bowl assemblies
• The prefilter bowl must be installed before the Everpure precoat filters.
• The IMF bowl must be installed after the Everpure precoat filters.
Check the water pressure gauges
• The incoming water pressure should indicate a minimum of 40 psi.
If the site has incoming water pressure less than 40 psi, the installation
of a Surge Tank Kit (p/n EV9336-50) may be necessary.
• If outlet gauge indicates low pressure when water is being drawn through
the system, replace the coarse filter cartridge.
• If the outlet pressure gauge indicates low pressure after the prefilter
cartridge has been replaced, replace the Everpure precoat cartridges.
If the alarm sounds, check the incoming water pressure. It should be at least 40 psi.
• If the alarm sounds and incoming pressure is at least 40 psi,
replace the coarse prefilter cartridge and reset the alarm.
• If the alarm sounds after replacing the coarse prefilter cartridge,
replace the Everpure precoat filter cartridges.
• If the alarm still sounds after replacing the precoat cartridges,
replace the pressure switch (p/n EV3016-41).
• If the site has incoming water pressure less than 40 psi, the
installation of a Surge Tank Kit (p/n EV9336-50) and/or a booster pump
may be necessary.
Visually inspect the O-Ring for damage (nicks, cuts, tears, etc.)
• Replace the O-Ring, if necessary (p/n EV3071-19, K-series white head and p/n 151120 for the E10/E20 black head series),
and lubricate with silicone lubricant only. Refer to the system instruction
manual for complete cartridge change instructions.
Visually inspect the O-Ring for damage (nicks, cuts, tears, etc.)
• Replace the O-Ring, if necessary (p/n EV3071-19, K-series white head and p/n 151120 for the SRX feeder bowl),
and lubricate with silicone lubricant only. Refer to the system instruction
manual for complete cartridge change instructions.
Visually inspect the O-Rings for damage (nicks, cuts, tears, etc.). We stand behind the products we sell. Please call us and we will take care of you.
The most common reason for this is a lack of salt. Chances are the salt has run out and simply needs to be refilled. Also look for ‘bridging’. Bridging occurs when an air bubble forms ….
This is rare, but results from too much phosphate being released into the water. There are two possible causes of this:
Everpure water filters are designed to remove contaminants and particulates from the water. The cartridges will eventually plug as this material is removed, therefore, plugging indicates that the cartridges are working efficiently.
If a cartridge plugs soon after installation, there are various things such as construction in your area or changes in reservoir levels that may alter the quality of your incoming water from day to day. This may produce low water pressure or excessive turbidity (i.e. large number of particles) in your water, which may cause the cartridges to plug prematurely.
If a water filter has been incorrectly sized for an application, short life may occur. In this case, there are a number of higher capacity, higher flow rate cartridges that can quickly and easily be retrofitted to provide longer life.
If a water filter has been incorrectly installed, short life may occur. An example of this would be on a water cooled ice machine. If the make up water and the cooling water for the condenser are both being filtered, you will definitely have short like.
Why a filter plugs early requires a lot of questions to be answered and cannot be addressed fully here. Please reach out to out technicalcare team for assistance.
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For the MRS600 HE & HE-II, pressurize the RO water storage tank to 50 psi. And blended water storage tank to 20 – 22 psi.
(For other smaller Pentair RO systems, refer to the I/O guide. Recommended tank pressure is between 7 – 22 psi)
Yes, a PRV is recommended for the larger Pentair RO systems (MRS600 HE, HE-II and the MRS100/225/350 series).
Generally speaking, Yes. a Water Softener is recommended for the RO systems. But, if the total water hardness is above 12GPG, a Softener is highly recommended to improve efficiency of the RO system.
Pressurize tank to between 22 – 25 psi.
This is potentially confusing and misleading. This is not an uncommon occurrence for large Pentair bladder tanks. The tanks are shipped with zero pre-charge. Therefore they will have to be aired up to be used. For instance, a 40 gallon tank will take quite some time to air up with the valve core installed. The entire time the tank is being aired up, the air-cell will be expanding to fill the inside of the tank. While the expansion is occurring, air will be pushed out of the drain of the tank mimicking a leak. Even once the bag is fully aired up, the bag can relax and push air out for up 30 minutes. The tanks need to be aired up fully and need to rest for at least 30 minutes prior to checking for a leak.
Yes, an additional bladder tank can be used. Maximum of 6 gallons.
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In a nutshell, flow rates and contaminant reduction capabilities.
For example, Lead. In order to ‘absorb’ lead out of water, one needs a slow flow rate and contact time. In a typical foodservice application, the flow rates are fast and the demand is constant. There isn’t enough time to absorb lead.
The same holds true for removing VOC’s, THM’s and MTBE. All three of these require a lot of carbon and a lot of contact time. A residential system typically has a flow rate of 0.5 gpm and the outlet fitting will often have a built-in flow restrictor on it, just to keep the water inside the cartridge longer (and avoid flowing out too quickly).
Well to begin with, the filter head. The QL3 head is used in foodservice and residential systems.
Both markets use the same ‘Precoat’ design, which means they both provide filtration down to 0.5 microns and are NSF certified Std. 42 class 1 and Std. 53 for cysts.
Nothing detrimental will happen other than inconvenience
First, you void your warranty. Secondly, depending on the application, you may have very short filter life because the Residential cartridge cannot provide the necessary flow rate.
There are some really great drinking water cartridges in the foodservice catalogue (that can be used with the QL3 head). They are as follows:
EV9637-01 MicroGuard Pro2
EV9637-02 MicroGuard Pro4
EV9619-06 OW200L
EV9691-56 2FC
EV9693-10 4FC-L
EV9634-26 2H-L
EV9635-26 4H-L
Not anymore!
Thanks to Pentair’s new FibreDyne carbon block media, we now have a great line of drinking water systems that can be plumbed directly into an existing faucet, on the cold water line, and can handle 2.2 gallons per minute flow.
The days of having to drill the counter top and install a dedicated faucet are gone.
This is the description we use to describe drinking water systems that can be plumbed directly to the cold water line of any existing kitchen faucet (foodservice or residential). Full flow systems have a rated capacity of 2.2 gallons per minute!
Examples of Full Flow Systems:
EV9858-00 EF1500 – 1500 gallons capacity
EV9857-00 EF3000 – 3000 gallons capacity
EV9855-00 EF6000 – 6000 gallons capacity
EV9270-85 PBS400 – 3000 gallons capacity
The Residential warranty is 1 year for the hardware and replacement cartridges.
In Foodservice, the warranty is 5 years on the hardware and 1 year on replacement cartridges.